Monday, August 30, 2010

Day one

So I've made it to my office and have unpacked my boxes. I have one more box of books at home that I'll have to bring in, and I will do that a bit at a time. Today I brought two tote bags worth of things (some office supplies as well as a lot of papers), and I'll fill them the next couple of days with books. I have stacks of papers that I will plan on organizing, but that's something for later.

Right now I am thinking I will head out shortly from this ridiculously short day in the office, because there's no A/C in my office and it's going to 95 today. (Talk about expediency with work orders, egh?) I did much of what I wanted to do anyway, so I figure I could go home, get some lunch, and work on my class while in my air conditioned apartment.

Pause for sec: A student just came in who is going to be in my class. It's very weird to hear "Professor" in front of my name. I think I could get used to that.

The question is, do I pick up lunch on the way home or just make something at home? There is that wings place right nearby...