Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'll get used to it, eventually...

I'm still having issues being referred to as "Professor." It's not that I mind it, but it is taking a lot of getting used to. Sure, there were times when I was called that before I actually became one, but then it was just kind of funny, since obviously someone was making a silly mistake.

I've made my way out of the city and will be giving a talk tomorrow at huge-public-university-in-ridiculously-tiny-town, and on the departmental website there is a notification of my talk, with the prefix, "Prof." in front of my name. I was used to "Dr.", although that too took some time to get used to. This will be the first seminar I give officially with that title, so my intro will include this latest step in my academic journey.

But it reminds me of how odd it has been all semester for students to call out "Professor?" when they have a question in class (I imagine these are times when I've had my back to them for such a long time that having their hand up to wait for me to turn around and call on them just served the purpose of making their arm go numb). Or when they walk into my office and say, "Professor, can I talk to you for a minute?" It's odd and strange, and I don't think it really fits me, but alas, there it is.

I think I would get used to it faster if I didn't make certain references in class that make half the class turn red from embarassment. Who am I kidding, that'll never happen.

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