Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Class art project

I assigned my class an art project a few weeks ago. Yes, a science art project.

Actually, it was designed as a way to mildly torture them before Thanksgiving. I told them the Monday before the holiday that they would have a new homework posted online due the following Monday. That of course meant they had work to do over the holiday, and they kept begging me to change the due date but I held firm.

The actual homework was "Do something creative (write a story, poem, draw something, etc.) that relates to your favorite topic discussed in class so far." This brought in a ton of fun things like poems and paintings and I think the students spent more time on this than any other homework. And it really was a ton of fun.

And it's becoming something that has gotten several seniors come into my office to look at them, because everyone heard about them. I have to say it is kind of fun, and actually I think there was some learning that went on there, given the fact that they still had to think about what they were doing.

So yeah, I have to say as "kindergarten-ish" as it is, it was such fun that I believe it'll be a regular thing in my classes...

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