We all have our DMV stories, because generally it is a ridiculously irritating experience to go there, for whatever reason. Even the positive experiences are often tainted by the fact that you might have to wait 2-3 hours for whatever you are there for. But NY state DMV's are their own special circle of hell.
First of all, they are exceedingly picky with paperwork. For one, I had to have a certified copy of my car's title from the bank (as it's still being paid for), which is fine, but what they don't say on the website (or, I might add, on the phone if you call them) is that FAXes do not count, they must have original signatures. Fine, so I wasted a trip last week for that.
Then, today I go, original signatures and all, but the problem today was that my insurance card did not have my middle initial, so I had to get that changed. Luckily, a number was pulled for me so I'd not lose my place in line, but I had to call the insurance company to have them change it and fax it in. Would take 2-3 minutes, they said, and in fact it did.
But the card is of the form Last name, first name, and they didn't put the initial after my first name but before my last name, and this was unacceptable to NY. So I had to call back. This time I was informed that the page they enter info at the insurance company has a text box for Last name and another box for "First name + middle initial/name," and that my first name fills up the box and they can't add any additional letters, which is why the first lady did what she did. In order to do what I needed they had to put a special request for a special card, and it could take 2-3 HOURS. He puts in the request, and I tell the lady.
She talks to her supervisor and the supervisor said she would accept it if it was in the right order, but with just first and middle INITIALS, so I wouldn't have to wait two hours. I call back, get it faxed in, and all this took almost an hour. As irritating as it was, the positive side is that the number that was pulled for me was next, so I would have had to wait that long anyway.
Annoyances are as follows (though I needn't repeat them): First, why are you so picky NY, when I could easily just tell them to put whatever on my card? Second, what is wrong insurance company, when you know how picky NYS is, with your software when you are clearly discriminating against those of us with long names?! This should be something that is given automatically, considering how NYS can be.
Finally, thank you mom and dad, for my very long name ;)
You are most welcome!!!