Monday, September 27, 2010

Random thoughts

I've been quite productive today. I decided that I need to go ahead and write this conference proceedings that is due on the first of October. I didn't really want to bother, but I figured it would be a good thing to do, given my low rate of getting anything else done. This is something that is no fun but well, at least I can say I did it.

Tomorrow I'm going to visit Columbia to meet with Norman. The plan is to just kind of get caught up on what they've been doing as well as what I have been doing. He offered to let me go to the group meeting, and I am wondering. On one had I have no desire to do that, but at the same time it might be good to meet all of the students in the group now, since they've basically all changed. I do know this will not be a regular thing.

I was lucky today that I decided to get a soda at precisely the time a sales rep for a book publisher came by my office and left her card. One less thing to deal with.

It's rainy and dreary outside and I want to go get coffee but I don't want to walk in the rain. I have an umbrella, but this is a "stay inside" kind of day. Dante agrees with me. (Although he has no choice in the matter, no matter what kind of fight he puts up to not go outside.)

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