Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strange dinner

I went out to dinner with our first search candidate and two other members of the department last night. I was toying with not going but I figured it would be a chance to (a) get to know the possibly newest addition to the department and (b) get to talk to members of the department that I never really talk to since overall it is a very antisocial department. I actually had a good time, but I feel as though the conversation sort of veered away from the candidate (who is very shy, and just as an aside, it is funny to see the difference in what I thought about this person based on the application materials, and to see how different the candidate was in real life), and me and this other professor basically had a long conversation.

In my defense, it had to do with something that I'd been meaning to ask him, so it isn't really like I planned it. But alas, maybe it took some pressure off of the candidate. I did enjoy the fact that I got to go out to a search dinner where I wasn't the candidate, it definitely was a lot better. It's also really good, to me, to realize that while I will vote on who we hire, I'm not as invested in this search, since it for a part of our program that I am not actively involved in. In that vein, I will meet with the candidate today for my "interview" but really it'll be much more relaxed.

At least on my end.

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